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The force of habit

These new habits are refusing to get incorporated into my life!  I went to the used bookstore to buy a present for a friend.  Right above the shelf where I located his book, I found a book I've been wanting to read for a while.  I ran through the list in my head: it's used...I'm not broke this month...it's a reasonable price...it's right in front of me...I bought both books, refused the plastic bag, and left the store.  As I walked back to the subway I stopped and almost said DUH! right out loud.  I've had such success with the library this year and the thought did not even occur to me as I was running through my list!  There's a branch two blocks from my office; I've been reserving books online and going to pick them up when they email me.  Like Netflix for books, almost.  I'm not so good on the returning: I've probably paid $10 in library fines since January, but surely I would have spent at least two or three hundred dollars by now if I'd bought every one new.  Maybe next time the library will come to mind first.

Posted on Monday, November 19, 2007 at 09:36PM by Registered CommenterMegan Metcalf in | CommentsPost a Comment

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