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I recently finished Rathje and Murphy's Rubbish!, a book I'll come back to when I investigate trash in more detail.  Though a little out-of-date, it left a couple of lasting impressions: for one thing, I learned that over forty percent of the waste in landfills is paper -- and it doesn't biodegrade like we all think it does.  Furthermore, at the time of the book's writing (10 years ago), there wasn't a large enough market for recycled paper products to make it an eco-efficient enterprise.   I already avoid some of the pitfalls on paper: I read the newspaper online, I use the backs of printed out directions and maps and whatnot for the nine million lists I make a week.  But I'd like to reduce more.  Five minutes on the phone today supposedly means that I won't get catalogs from J. Crew or Anthropologie or other "similar companies" anymore (we'll see...).  When I'm buying things again, I'll aim to purchase products with 30% or more post-consumer recycled content.  Other ideas?

Posted on Monday, March 12, 2007 at 05:57PM by Registered CommenterMegan Metcalf in | Comments2 Comments

Reader Comments (2)

Thanks, Megan, especially for pointing out that there isn't a real market for recyled paper. People always say to me, "That doesn't matter, because you can recycle it." The protocol the eco-thinkers all talk about is reduce, reuse, recycle, and there is a reason why recyle is last on the list. As for reducing your paper waste, junkmail, as you know, is hugely problematic, and if you'd like more general measures than just calling individual catalogs, I posted them here: http://noimpactman.typepad.com/blog/2007/02/stopping_the_ju.html

March 13, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterColin Beavan

Thanks for the tips! Surprisingly, I don't get much junk mail...

March 14, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMegan Metcalf

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