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Gift Certificates?

Oooh, temptation! I recently received some gift certificates to a clothing store.  A clothing store with no "organic" or "sustainable" options.  The giver (from work) keeps asking what I've purchased.  I was thinking I'd craftily put off answering until Jan 08, but now that seems silly and difficult - I mean, I'm still thinking I'll use them, right, so why not get it over with?  The funny thing is, I have a cold and I'm grouchy, and still I think new clothes will make me feel better.  Feeling better will make me feel better. 

But new clothes would be fun.

Posted on Friday, August 24, 2007 at 12:18AM by Registered CommenterMegan Metcalf in | Comments2 Comments

Reader Comments (2)

You're right. Sometimes I find myself buying something thinking it will cheer me up but I only ending up feeling badly because it isn't something I truly need. Keep up your "fix", I am inspired by your posts and rather than buying a new blender since my old one had a part break, I went to the trouble to contact someone to fix it instead. So rather than spending more money and putting more trash in landfill, I'll still be able to get my smoothie fix!

August 24, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterCLM

You could use the Compact exception for socks and underwear, and stock up on pretty underthings and stockings. I also have a personal exception that I can buy new things for my career-- I've only used it once and have to say I didn't feel good about it later. Many Compacters also make an exception for shoes, so that's another option to think about. I haven't needed new shoes yet, but I will probably buy new running shoes before my Compact year is up.

Feel better soon!

August 27, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJuli

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